Powerful Peace Special 6/26/07

Producer/host: Sonia Turanski

Topic:  The Future of Religion, a one-hour live discussion with audience phone-in question.

Guests: Cliff Guthrie   Cliff Guthrie was ordained as a Methodist minister, but has moved away from that role into teaching religious studies at Husson College and Bangor Theological Seminary.  Some of his major interests include the academic study of religion, religion and the cognitive sciences, and religion in film.  Cliff is currently working on an article about the future of religion in Maine.
Dana Sawyer   Dana Sawyer teaches world religion classes at BTS and religion and philosophy classes at Maine College of Art in Portland. Some of his major interests include Hinduism, Buddhism, the Perennial Philosophy, and mysticism.  Dana is the author of a biography of Aldus Huxley, and is currently working on a biography of one of the foremost scholars of world religions, Huston Smith.
Rabbi Darah Lerner   Darah Lerner is the Rabbi of Congregation Beth El in Bangor, and will round out our panel of experts.  As a female ordained in one of the oldest prominent religions, Rabbi Lerner will bring a voice that speaks to the valuable and unchanging traditions of Judaism, as well as providing a personal example of Judaism’s ability to evolve.

Call in show

Powerful Peace Special 5/30/07: Robert Bly

Producer/host: Sonia Turanski

An interview with Robert Bly, one of America’s most respected and accomplished poets, talks about the 33rd annual ‘Conference on the Great Mother and New Father,’ held in Nobleboro, Maine from June 2nd – 10th, 2007. A prolific writer of poetry and prose, Bly is known for his outspoken views on American culture and his opposition to the Vietnam and Iraq wars. His book Iron John, a best seller in the early 90s, was regarded by many as the inspiration for the so-called “men’s movement”. Robert is also recognized internationally for his leading work in introducing translations of foreign poets such as Rumi, Kabir and Hafez to the Western world.

WERU Special 3/29/07: Don Pablo Alvarenga of El Salvador, Part 2

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Local historian Don Pablo Alvarenga in Cinquera, Cabanas, El Salvador, in January 2007, speaking about the history of religion, politics and war in the area.

Part 1 aired 3/27/07 and is also available on these archives.

Part 3 will air on RadioActive on Thursday, April 5th at 4p.m., and the final segment will air on RadioActive the following week (Thursday, April 12th at 4p.m.)

WERU Special: Camden Conference, Part 2, 3/6/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell