Special: Camden Conference 4/10/13

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Program Topic: Summary of the 2013 Camden Conference
Key Discussion Points:
a) Militarization of US diplomacy
b) Bunker mentality of current middle east embassies
c) Setbacks to US diplomacy in Libya because of 9/11/12 attack on ambassador

Speaker: Ambassador Lawrence Pope, retired from US State Department

WERU Special: Paul Grosswiler 3/7/13

Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: Katie Greenman

Topic: Professor Paul Grosswiler, Chairperson, Communication and Journalism, speaking in February at the University of Maine’s Socialist and Marxist Studies Lecture Series, on the topic: “Defending Thought We Hate: The Social Value of Offensive Ideas”

WERU Special: US Navy Base on Jeju Island 2/28/13

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Program Topic: Gangjeong Village Struggle against Naval Base

Key Discussion Points:
a) why villagers and others in South Korea and beyond are opposed to the construction of a naval base in Gangjeong, Jeju Island, South Korea
b) how base construction has already impacted villagers and local sea creatures
c) the use of violence by police against nonviolent protestors
Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Sung-Hee Choi, member of the Gangjeong village international team
B) Kang Dong-Kyun, mayor of Gangjeong
C ) Jane, peacekeeper

Sung-Hee Choi
Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun

WERU Special: Winona LaDuke 2/7/13

Producer/Host: Meaghan LaSala

Winona LaDuke: Environmental Justice from a Native Perspective
Donna M. Loring Lecture Series
November 8, 2012 at the University of Southern Maine

Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabe) is an internationally acclaimed author, orator and activist. LaDuke has devoted her life to protecting the lands and life ways of Native communities. She is the Co-Director of Honor the Earth, a national advocacy group encouraging public support and funding for native environmental groups.

Special: “War on Peace” 10/15/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Program Topic: Social Protest, Social Change & the Role of Art
Key Discussion Points:
a) Role of art in society
b) Role of artist as citizen
c) Ability of social protest art to be shown in galleries and museums
A) Robert Shetterly, artist
B) Alan, Magee, artist
C ) Martha Piskuskas, moderator
Call In Program: no

Common Ground Fair Keynote: Jay Feldman 9/22/12

Unedited. Recorded by Matt Murphy

FMI: www.mofga.org , http://www.beyondpesticides.org/

From the MOFGA website: “For more than three decades, Jay Feldman has been hammering away at the likes of Monsanto, Scotts Miracle-Gro, Dow, Dupont, Bayer, Syngenta and pesticides industry lobby groups such as the misleadingly named RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment).

Feldman cofounded the advocacy organization Beyond Pesticides and has been its director since 1981. Like MOFGA, Feldman seeks a transition to a world free of toxic pesticides. Under his leadership, Beyond Pesticides maintains a well-organized, national network of allies who pressure the chemical industry, raise awareness among the general public, and promote safer alternatives to synthetic pesticides. The organization’s primary goal is to effect change through local action, helping individuals and community-based organizations stimulate discussion on the hazards of toxic pesticides while providing information on safer alternatives.

Many of us in Maine will appreciate the fundamental belief that Feldman shares with communities threatened by pesticide pollution: People must have a voice in decisions that affect them directly. Decisions should not be made for us by chemical companies or by decision makers who either do not have all of the facts or refuse to consider them.

In addition to Feldman’s commitment to Beyond Pesticides, he serves on the National Organic Standards Board, which makes recommendations to the USDA on policies regulating production and distribution of organic food and products.

2012 marks the 50th anniversary since the publication of Rachel Carson’s, Silent Spring. Please come hear Feldman’s thoughts about our country’s continued reliance on pesticides, and about how we can transition to a world independent of synthetic pesticides.”

WERU Special: Great Works Dam Removal 6/15/12

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Program Topic: We take you to the banks of the Penobscot River in Bradley on Monday morning, where removal of the 200 year old Great Works Dam was about to get underway. You’ll hear the Penobscot Nation Chief, Representatives Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree, US Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, and others, explaining the significance of the Penobscot River Restoration project.

Key Discussion Points:
a) Background on the dam removal
b) Reasons for removing the dam
c) Next steps in the Penobscot River Restoration Project

Call In Program: No