Mid-Coast Currents 5/18/12

Host: John Zavodny
Engineer: Joel Mann
Issue: Immigration

Program Topic: Bicycling in Maine

Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
1. Why do people bike?
2. What are some biking safety tips?
3. How should people get their bikes ready for spring?

1. Jim Merkel is an Maine-based author, volunteer, and engineer that moved from involvement in the military industry to pioneering in simplicity. His book, Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth offers a path to deeply sustainable way of living respectful of all life. Jim founded the Global Living Project and currently writes, lectures and consults with campuses and municipalities on sustainability initiatives- this includes doing some sustainability education at Unity College. Jim has biked across continents and seasons and has successfully advocated for bike-friendly cities; he is currently serving on the Belfast City Pedestrian, Biking, and Hiking Committee.
2. Marshall Rollerson is a designer, welder, and builder with 10 years experience in manufacturing. He has designed a number of trailers, as well as a recumbent bicycle. He is a founding member of the Belfast Area Transition Initiative and serves on their Transportation Spiral; he is presently spearheading a metalworkers cooperative in Belfast.
3. Nancy Grant is executive director of The Bicycle Coalition of Maine and long-time cyclist. The Coalition does bicycle-related education, outreach, and advocacy across the state.

For More Information:
Bicycle Coalition of Maine www.bikemaine.org

Call In Program: YES

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