Weekend Voices 3/13/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Segment 1: Excerpts from the Maine State Legislature’s Health & Human Services Committee Public Hearing for LD 1706, held on March 2nd.   If passed, LD 1706 would require labels on cell phones sold in Maine, warning that they may cause brain cancer and should be kept away from children and pregnant women.
Experts from Europe and the U.S. attended the hearing and presented research results indicating a link between cell phones and brain cancer and other ailments.  Cell phone industry representatives and their lobbyists and consultants—including a former CDC staffer, argued that the phones are safe.
Note: Many of the expert witness who were brought in to testify regarding the dangers associated with cell phones were not recorded, due to an apparent glitch in the state legislature’s web stream, which was corrected in time for the industry representatives testimony.
Segment 2:
A listener editorial (Cynthia Swan re: a recent statement by the Catholic Church condemning the practice of Reiki)

RadioActive 2/25/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Topic:  Cell Phone Dangers & Pending Labeling Legislation

Interviews with investigative journalist & blogger Christopher Ketcham, author of a recent article that is drawing national attention to dangers associated with cell phones (“Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to your Health”— GQ Magazine, Feb.2010), and with Maine State Representative Andrea Boland who is introducing LD 1706, “An Act To Create the Children’s Wireless Protection Act”.

The Health and Human Services Committee will hold a public hearing re: the proposed legislation, on March 2, 2010 at 1p.m.   The public may offer written or verbal testimony at that time.   Rep. Boland advises that in order for written comments to be entered into the record, the committee must receive 20 copies by mail at the following address:  Health & Human Services Committee, 100 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 prior to the hearing on 3/2/10 or the work session on 3/9/10.  If you are unable to make copies yourself, Rep. Boland can assist you.   Her email is sixwings@metrocast.net, or mail her c/o Clerk of the House, 2 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04334  The H&HS Committee can by reached c/o Jan Clark, jan.clark.@legislature.maine.gov

FMI:  www.christopherketcham.com  http://electromagnetichealth.org/ http://www.gq.com/cars-gear/gear-and-gadgets/201002/warning-cell-phone-radiation,  http://www.microwavenews.com/

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 2/25/10

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Sorry to say, electronic technology can be used for bad purposes as well as good and we review a few today from electronic skimmers that capture your credit and ATM card numbers to school laptops and your cell phones that can be used to spy on you.
For a look at some card number skimmers that have been used to help generate a billion dollars of ATM fraud, check www.krebsonsecurity.com/2010/02/atm-skimmers-part-ii