WERU News Report 7/2/13

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Issue: coal mining and alternatives for central appalachia

Program Topic: Kentuckians for the Commonwealth’s efforts in central appalachia

Key Discussion Points:
a) challenges to diversifying eastern Kentucky’s economy
b) KFTC’s energy audit and retrofitting project
c) environmental and health impacts of coal mining in eastern Kentucky

Carl Shoupe, active member of the Harlan County chapter of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Michael Prewitt of the Harlan Drive Band

FMI: www.kftc.org

WERU News Report 6/26/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

In breaking news today, the US Supreme Court has ruled that DOMA- the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act”, is unconstitutional, and that same-sex couples who are legally married under state law should be afforded the same federally recognized rights and benefits as other married couples – including tax breaks, social security benefits, and family medical leave.

In Augusta today, both houses of the state legislature voted to override Governor LePage’s veto of the biennial budget, thus avoiding a state shut down. Here’s some of the debate that took place prior to the vote