Weekend Voices 1/24/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Jim Fisher, Matt Murphy

Segment 1: Jim Fisher interviews Dan Kane, a Phys Ed instructor at GSA who teaches a course on Outdoor Experiential Education and Leadership every spring.  This nine minute interview describes the program and what students gain by working together outdoors.

Segment 2: We talk with a Jonathan Sherman, a high school student from southern Maine who has been keeping in touch with his Israeli and Palestinian friends he met at the “Seeds of Peace” camp.  Facebook and MySpace have allowed them to maintain contact through the recent escalation.  (FMI: www.seedsofpeace.org)

Segment 3: Highlights of a recent workshop that offered tips to help non-profits survive in today’s economy: “Navigating Rough Seas, A Community Discussion with Non-Profits on Program Sustainability”.

Weekend Voices 10/25/08

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributor: Carolyn Coe


Segment 1:  Helen Lindsay, a part-time Mainer, talks about her recent trip to Iran with the “Fellowship for Reconciliation”.  Produced by Carolyn Coe.  FMI: www.forusa.org

Segment 2: We talk with Brent Hall of the Brewer-based group “Food & Medicine”, about the events they have scheduled for this evening: Their 2nd Annual Haunted House and Harvest Festival featuring “The Humble Farmer”, Robert Skoglund.  From 5- 6:30pm they will hold tours through “Maniac McSame’s Mansions of Mutation” where vile plans are being devised to steer America down the wrong course. “In each of his many mansions, McSame is committing crimes against healthcare, affordable housing, and worker rights, all the while mutating to look strangely like a prominent US political figure from Texas.”  Later there will be live guitar and mandolin from Orono duo Larry LeBlanc & Adria Elskus, fall children’s games (from MSEA-SEIU childcare workers), and local, seasonal, delicious food.  The guest speaker will be distinguished Maine humorist Robert Skoglund, “The Humble Farmer”. Skoglund is known throughout Maine and the US for his 29 years on public radio, his quick Maine humor, and hilarious “rants”.   All ages are welcome.  Admission is free, donations will be accepted to benefit laid-off workers through the Solidarity Harvest.   Location: 20 Ivers St., Brewer, ME  FMI:  207-989-5860 or www.foodandmedicine.org