Mid-Coast Currents 12/16/11

Program Name: Mid-Coast Currents

Broadcast Date: December 16, 2011

Broadcast Time: 10:00-11:00 AM

Program Topic: Visual Arts as Environmental Advocacy

Key Discussion Points:
a) How has Maine Farmland Trust used the visual arts?
b) What does it mean to be an “Environmental Documentarian?”
c) How effective has “From the Land” been for Maine Farmland Trust?

A) Bridget Besaw, Environmental Documentarian

Bridget’s projects have tackled issues such as development threats to northern Maine’s wilderness, loss of working farmland in New England, restoration of crucial salmon habitat in the North Pacific, threats to wild rivers and arid grasslands in South America, climate change research and prevention in Indonesian forests and sustainable fisheries initiatives throughout the world.i

Organizations who have partnered with Bridget to create imagery and multimedia projects:Maine Farmland Trust, The Nature Conservancy,? Maine Coast Heritage Trust, Patagonia, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,?? Chewonki Foundation, ?The Kittredge Foundation,The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, The Penobscot River Restoration Trust and Patagonia Sur Foundation.

As a press photographer, Bridget has won numerous national press awards for stories on the depletion of natural resources.

Bridget has created feature stories for:Newsweek, Time, Forbes, Fortune, The New York Times, Business Week, Smithsonian, National Geographic Adventure and Nature Conservancy Magazine.??

Bridget has published two books in partnership with environmental organizations:Wildness within, Wildness without in 2007 with and From the Land in 2010.

B) John Piotti is the Executive Director of Maine Farmland Trust headquartered in Belfast, he is former Maine State Senator for District 23, and helped found the Unity Barn Raisers. Maine Farmland Trust partnered with Bridget Besaw to produce “From the Land” that included images by Besaw, text by Piotti and foreword by Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree.

For More Information:
Bridget Besaw: www.bridgetbesaw.com
Maine Farmland Trust: www.mainefarmlandtrust.org

Call In Program: YES

Political Broadcast:

Host: John Zavodny

Engineer: Joel Mann