WERU Special: Martin Prechtel 9/18/15

Producer/Host: Andree Bella

Interview with Martin Prechtel on Grief and Praise

Key Discussion Points:
a) How do the people in your Mayan village grieve for someone who has died?
b) What role can community, friends and family play in turning grief into beauty?
c) What happens when a culture doesn’t express its grief?
d) What is the relationship between unresolved grief and war?
e) What part can elders of a community play in transforming grief into beauty?

Guest: Martin Prechtel, social activist and author of The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise

DogTalk 6/25/15

Hosts: Jon Mohr (aka Joneford)
Engineer: John Greenman

Issue: Dealing with the grief from loosing a pet companion.

Key Discussion Points:
a)What making that painful decision entails
b)Dealing with grief, before, during, and after.
c)What things can help us process the pain and hopefully move on.
D] The extra difficulty of children and the elderly letting go.
E] Warning signs to look out for in recovery.


A)Michele Pich, Psychologist and veterinary grief counselor at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, www.vet.upenn.edu
B) Dr John Hunt retired Veterinarian Host of “Pet Sounds” on WERU Sundays 7;30am