WERU News Report 3/23/11

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributor: Marge May

**NOTE: There are a few seconds of hissing sound at the beginning of this audio file before the show starts.**

Segment 1: Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance of 2011

These ordinances have now been passed in Penobscot and Sedgwick, and been defeated in Brooksville voters by a margin of just 9 votes. The town of Blue Hill will be voting on the issue on April 2nd. For some background on the movement, WERU’s Marge May spoke with a local farmer Heather Retberg, owner of Quill’s End Farm in Penobscot. (Note: This interview originally aired on WERU’s “Women’s Windows”)

Segment 2: Local News Headlines
As hundreds of workers rallied in support of unions in Augusta yesterday, Governor LePage has ordered that a mural depicting labor history in Maine, be removed from the lobby of the Department of Labor. He has also ordered that conference rooms bearing the names of heroes of the labor movement be renamed…
At a statehouse news conference earlier today, sportsmen, lake advocates, and experts on wildlife, water quality and fisheries decried legislative attacks on Maine’s natural heritage (LDs 1, 156, 159, 219, 341, 434, 872, 888, 1022 and 1031)…
A group of small business owners and the Maine Small Business Coalition, held a press conference in Portland yesterday, ahead of the Maine Bureau of Insurance’s public hearing on Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield’s proposed rate increase on individual health insurance plans…
Animal Welfare Advocates to plan to Lobby State Legislators at the Capitol Tomorrow…

Segment 3: LePage TV
Governor LePage– well known for avoiding talking to media or attending debates when he was on the campaign trail, now has his own TV show. “Inside the Blaine House”, which premiered this week, is hosted by Chamber of Commerce employees and stars the Governor himself… (Time Warner Cable TV and www.MaineVOD.com)

RadioActive 3/18/10

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco


Today we look at how the health insurance industry’s still unbridled quest for profits hits close to home.  Tomorrow state courts will hear Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield’s lawsuit against Maine for stopping their proposed 18% rate increase.

We also hear an editorial on a bill which would require cell phones to carry labels cautioning consumers on the health hazards of their radiation.

And we also review upcoming events which we will be covering in the next few days, concerning the war in Afghanistan,  the constitutional rights of corporations, and mountain top removal coal mining.

Common Health 5/20/09

Producer/Host: Jim Fisher
Topic: Paying for Health Care
What has happened to the single payer option in congressional hearings? What is the connection between health care finance and the crisis in rural hospitals? What can we do to advocate for better health care?
Guests: Dr. Philip Caper, former professor, practitioner and current advocate for health care reform; Dr. John Benziger, Pathologist and Lab Director at Maine General Medical Center in Waterville and Augusta.
Call in show

Common Health 4/15/09

Producer/Host: Jim Fisher
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Letters to the President: Addressing America’s Health
How do we pay for health care? Why move to a single payer system? How can we manage costs?
Guests: Dr. Philip Caper, retired M.D. and Professor of Medicine; Jerry Call, co-founder of MidCoast Health Care Reform (www.midcoasthealthcarereform.org)
Call in show

Doing Business 8/07/08

Producer/Host: Jane E Haskell, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic:   Holding the Business Together When You Are Injured or Ill

Cathy Roberts, President, Pieceworks, Inc.
P.O. Box 133,  Liberty ME 04949;  207-589-3451;  pcwork@midcoast.com; www.pieceworksinc.com
Cheryl Guadiana-Erskin, co-owner, Artlandish Sisters
252 Main RD, Islesboro, ME  04848; 207-734-9762 or 207-824-0063 or 401-783-6859; dcboobs@artlandishsisters.com; http://artlandishsisters.com

MEMIC – Maine Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company has a library of free, downloadable publications including several documents about workplace safety.   http://www.memic.com