United Way Presents 6/9/12

Host: Adam Lacher, Director, Communications and Community Engagement for United Way of Eastern Maine .
Guest: Dennis Marble, Executive Director of the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter
Issue: Homelessness, Shelters, Substance Abuse, Food Pantry, Pay It Forward, Bangor
About: United Way of Eastern Maine Presents is a weekly radio program featuring the the voices of Maine community organizations from Piscataquis, Penobscot, Washington, Hancock and Waldo counties. More info at: www.unitedwayem.org

Common Health 3/21/12

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Mainely Homeless
Program Topic: Homeless in Maine: Causes, Consequences, Solutions
Key Discussion Points:
Who are the homeless? What are their demographic, social and economic characteristics?
What are some of the causes of homelessness?
What programs do we have in rural Maine to help homeless people?

Sr. Lucille MacDonald, Director
Emmaus Homeless Shelter,
Post Office Box 811, Ellsworth, Maine, 04605
Tel: 1-207-667-3962
Fax: 1-207-667-1086

Tara Peterson, former resident of the Emmaus Center

Call In Program: Yes

Common Health 2/16/11

Producer/Host: Jim Fisher
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Politics, Economics and Housing

How do people fall into foreclosure? What programs are there to help people who are losing their homes? What is the role of community organizing in helping people living on the edge of homelessness?

Genevieve Lysen, Maine People’s Resource Center, Portland, ME, Housing and Worker Justice Organizer at the Maine People’s Alliance gen@mainepeoplesalliance.org
Debbie King-Johnson, Maine Housing’s Consumer Education and Outreach Manager in the Homeownership Department. dkjohnson@mainehousing.org