WERU Special: Rachel Corrie Wrongful Death Case 2/23/15

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Topic: Dismissal of appeal by Supreme Court of Israel in wrongful death case of Rachel Corrie

Who was Rachel Corrie?
What steps has her family taken to seek answers and to call for accountability in Rachel’s death?
How does the play My Name is Rachel Corrie spread her story and message?

Cindy Corrie, Rachel’s mother
Craig Corrie, Rachel’s father
Hussein Abu Hussein, attorney for the Corrie family in the wrongful death case
Sarah Corrie Simpson, Rachel’s sister

FMI: www.rachelcorriefoundation.org

WERU News Report 12/31/14

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: Matt Murphy

Part 2 of 2

A recording from earlier this month when author & physician Alice Rothchild toured Maine, meeting with Angus King’s staff and with groups interested in her experiences in Israel and Palestine. Her visit coincided with the unveiling of her portrait, the latest in Rob Shetterly’s series, “Americans Who Tell the Truth”.

FMI: www.alicerothchild.com , www.americanswhotellthetruth.org

WERU News Report 12/30/14

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: Matt Murphy

Part 1 of 2

A recording from earlier this month when author & physician Alice Rothchild toured Maine, meeting with Angus King’s staff and with groups interested in her experiences in Israel and Palestine. Her visit coincided with the unveiling of her portrait, the latest in Rob Shetterly’s series, “Americans Who Tell the Truth”.

FMI: www.alicerothchild.com , www.americanswhotellthetruth.org

WERU Special: Mainers Speak Out – Palestine 8/7/14

Producers/Hosts: Carolyn Coe & Amy Browne

*Note- Due to a recording error, the introduction to this program was omitted, but the transcript of the intro follows:

Welcome to this WERU Special – Mainers speaking out about Israel and Palestine. It’s August 7th, 2014. I’m Amy Browne.

A group of Mainers visited Senator Collin’s office in Portland earlier this week, to – in their words “object to her support of Israel’s international war crimes against civilians, to the $3.1 billion annual military aid to Israel supplied by U.S. taxpayers, and to the senator representing AIPAC [ the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] rather than her Maine constituents.” WERU’s Carolyn Coe was there and recorded their comments, which we’re going to hear now, then we’ll be opening the phone lines at the half hour for your reaction and comments on the issue.

WERU News Report 2/11/14

Host: Amy Browne
Producer: Carolyn Coe

Issue: Palestinian call for boycott– BDS movement for Palestinian human rights

Key Discussion Points:

a) Students for Justice in Palestine, a Bowdoin College student club, promotes on-campus dialogue by collecting petition signatures in solidarity with the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott Israeli academic and cultural institutions.

b) Some Israelis speak out in support of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions to pressure their own country, Israel, to end its oppressive policies.

c) The demand for human rights for Palestinians is linked to other social justice issues.

Sinead Lamel, Bowdoin College student, member of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

Zohran Mamdani, Bowdoin College student, member of SJP

Yonatan Shapira, Israeli refusenik, active with Boycott from Within

1-Bowdoin President Barry Mills’ statement re. the American Studies Association’s boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions: http://www.bowdoin.edu/president/speeches/index.shtml
2-Sinead Lamel and Zohran Mamdani’s Bangor Daily News editorial: http://bangordailynews.com/2014/01/08/opinion/bowdoin-should-join-academic-boycott-of-israeli-institutions/
3-To read/sign Bowdoin petition in solidarity with the American Studies Association:
4-(Bowdoin) Students for Justice in Palestine on Twitter: @ Bowdoin SJP
5-Boycott from Within: http://www.boycottisrael.info/

WERU Special: Palestine/Israel 5/22/12

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Key Discussion Points:
a) Framing: the political messaging in the language used about Palestine/Israel
b) Under-reported stories and voices of Palestinians and people in the Jewish Israeli human rights movement
c) “Brand Israel” and the push back against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement

Dr. Alice Rothchild, co-founder and co-chair of American Jews for a Just Peace-Boston and author of Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resistance

Call In Program: no

U.S./El Salvador Report 6/19/10

Producer/Host: Kathleen March, University of Maine

Hello. This is Kathleen March.  Welcome to WERU’s US-EL Salvador report. This week we discuss the protests in San Salvador against Israel’s attack on the humanitarian aid ship headed to Gaza.  The report is prepared by the University of Maine in collaboration with Radio Sumpul in El Salvador and US-El Salvador Sister Cities.

El 4 de junio un grupo de simpatizantes del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FLMN) protestó en San Salvador contra Israel por el asalto a una flota que llevaba ayuda humanitaria como alimentos y medicinas, rumbo a Gaza, causando por lo menos 9 muertos y decenas de heridos.

Los manifestantes, convocados por un comité de solidaridad con el pueblo palestino y el FMLN, se concentraron frente a la legación diplomática israelí con carteles y gritos. “Estamos pidiendo el cese del cerco a la franja de Gaza y que se retomen inmediatamente las negociaciones por la paz establecidas en los diferentes instrumentos internacionales”, declaró el diputado del FMLN Jorge Schafick, quien ha pedido que la comunidad internacional exija de Israel una solución inmediata a la situación.

Los manifestantes llevaban banderas palestinas y carteles con mensajes como: “Cese a la agresión contra los pueblos de Palestina” o “Terroristas israelíes fuera de los territorios del Líbano y Palestina”.  Schafick es hijo del fundador del FMLN, de origen palestino que murió en 2006.  Criticó el que el Parlamento salvadoreño no aprobara una iniciativa presentada por el FMLN y “otros diputados de origen palestino” sobre el tema.

La Asamblea Legislativa ha afirmado que la comisión analizará la solicitud, para que el Parlamento exprese su “profunda indignación por la acción criminal de las Fuerzas de Defensa y Gobierno del Estado de Israel en contra de los integrantes de la flotilla de la Libertad”.

Por lo menos nueve activistas de derechos humanos fallecieron durante el asalto de los militares israelíes, que tuvo lugar en la madrugada del 31 de mayo.  Cerca de 40 activistas internacionales y cinco soldados israelíes resultaron heridos.

Israel mantiene un bloqueo marítimo contra la ciudad de Gaza como represalia contra la resistencia palestina, que lleva a cabo una justa lucha por la independencia, según el deseo de Yasser Arafat.  Raúl Martínez, del Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba, dijo que “repudiamos enérgicamente este acto criminal contra una embarcación humanitaria, cometido por el ejército y gobierno israelita, gobierno fascista que también apoya el bloqueo económico contra Cuba Socialista.”  Marlon Anzora, estudiante de la UCA (Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas), explicó que “estamos aquí para solidarizarnos con el sufrido pueblo palestino, para decirle que no está solo, que la conciencia del mundo repudia este atentado terrorista de Israel, somos pueblos hermanos en el dolor y la esperanza.”

This has been Kathleen March with the WERU US-EL Salvador report. This week we discussed the protests in San Salvador against Israel’s attack on the humanitarian aid ship headed to Gaza.  The report was prepared by the University of Maine in collaboration with Radio Sumpul in El Salvador and US-El Salvador Sister Cities.