Notes from the Electronic Cottage 2/25/10

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Sorry to say, electronic technology can be used for bad purposes as well as good and we review a few today from electronic skimmers that capture your credit and ATM card numbers to school laptops and your cell phones that can be used to spy on you.
For a look at some card number skimmers that have been used to help generate a billion dollars of ATM fraud, check

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 2/18/10

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

In this world of increasing surveillance, it’s comforting to know that even if our whereabouts are known though surveillance cameras and monitoring of our cell phones and GPS units, and even if Google (and the government) knows everywhere we go on the Internet, at least no one can know what we’re thinking. Right? Maybe not for long. Listen up.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 2/04/10

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Every day, we are captured on video cameras in stores or gas stations or toll booths. Let’s reflect a bit on what effect such surveillance has on daily life, and on the recent introduction of automated license plate reading cameras mounted on police cruisers here in Maine.
An interesting book on the difference between digital memory and human memory and what it means for out lives and those of our children is “Delete:
The Value of Forgetting in the Digital Age by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger.
Definitely worth a read if ubiquitous surveillance concerns you.

RadioActive 10/30/08

Producers/Hosts: Meredith DeFrancesco & Amy Browne

Segment 1: Next week community activists from around the state will gather in Augusta for the Maine Association of Interdependent Neighborhoods (MAIN) Annual Meeting.    They’ll be deciding on priorities for the upcoming year—and you are invited to participate.  Earlier today we spoke with Steve Hoad of the MAIN Leadership team.  FMI: or MAIN, P.O. Box 69, Hallowell, ME 04347, 1-866-626-7059 (Ext. 204 for Conference Info)

Segment 2: It was announced this week that a California court has granted the motion of the Maine Civil Liberties Union (MCLU).   Foundation to intervene in a case involving National Security Agency wiretapping of potentially millions of Americans.   22 Mainers have been given formal legal status in a consolidated case against the telephone companies for their role in the NSA warrantless surveillance program.   Zachary Heiden of the Maine Civil Liberties Union will be joining us today to talk about the significance of that — and he’ll also provide some tips for making sure your vote is counted this year.   FMI: or 207-774-5444.