Mid-Coast Currents 8/15/14

Producer/Host: John Zavodny
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: People, events, and ideas in mid-coast, Maine

Program Topic: Hope Elephants

Key Discussion Points:
1. Where did the elephants in Hope come from and why have they been brought here?
2. What kinds of education programs and research are going on at Hope Elephants?
3. How is the Captive Wildlife Care and Education program at Unity College involved with the Hope Elephant project?

a. Andrew Stewart – Director, Hope Elephants
b. Sarah Cunningham – Director, Center for Environmental and Experiential Education and Associate Professor of Captive Wildlife Care and Education at Unity College

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Mid-Coast Currents 1/18/13

Hosts: John Zavodny and Sara Trunzo

Program Topic: Higher Education Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Key Discussion Points:
1. What is endowment divestment from fossil fuels?
2. Why did Unity College divest?
3. How does the 350.org “Do the Math Tour” make change?

a. Dan Apfel, Executive Director, Responsible Endowments Coalition
b. Stephen Mulkey, President, Unity College
c. Bill McKibben, founder, 350.org

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Call In Program: NO

Political Broadcast: NO

Mid-Coast Currents 2/18/11

Producer/Host: John Zavodny, PhD, Unity College faculty
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Unity College: Then, Now, and In the Future

What is Unity College’s significance to mid-coast Maine? What are the major accomplishments of Unity College over the last five years? What can we expect from Unity College over the next several years?

Dr. Mitchell Thomashow, Unity College President | Author of “Bringing the Biosphere Home,” and “Ecological Identity,” both published by MIT press. He serves on the board of the Coalition on Environmental and Jewish Life (COEJL), and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). He is on the advisory board of Orion Magazine. Thomashow is a founding member of the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD).

Dr. Amy Knisley, Unity College Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs | Knisley earned her Ph D in Philosophy from the University of Colorado and Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. She is an organic farmer and small business owner (with husband Ed) of Betsy?s Farm, currently located in Benton, Maine.