Talk of the Towns 4/13/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Education

Program Topic: Renewing the Courage to Teach
Key Discussion Points:
a) What drew each of you to work in education? Are there other factors that inspire teachers older and younger to take up the “leading forth” or education of the next generations of learners?
b) What are some of the values of the profession? (what values do teachers profess?)
c) What are some of the conditions and external factors that cause teachers to lose heart?
(criticism about teacher effectiveness, failing schools, policies that dictate teaching to the test, larger class sizes, lack of resources for amenities, etc)
d) What “dark nights of the soul” have you encountered personally in your careers in education?
e) Who is Parker Palmer, and what led him to his work at the Center for Courage and Renewal?
f) How do you introduce and follow Parker Palmer’s approach here in Maine… one day workshops and 2-3 day retreats… what is the format and content you employ… what is in store for participants in the upcoming retreat at Cobscook Community Learning Center on June 27-29? (share the shape of the days and some of the questions you will ask)
g) Based on your past work, what in this approach most resonates with participants? How have they benefited, as individuals and as educators?
h) What personal practices help all educators with the courage to teach… where can teachers learn more, get support for themselves?

A) Richard Ackerman, UM College of Education and Human Development
B) Doug Babkirk, UM Cooperative Extension, Portland
C) Carrie Callahan, Cobscook Community Learning Center, Trescott

Call In Program: Yes

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