Family Corner 12/27/17

Producer/Host: Sue Mackey Andrews
Engineer: John Greenman

Poverty in Rural Maine: Community Compass

Key Discussion Points:
Community Compass is an excellent example of how many communities throughout Maine are working together to support their neighbors living in poverty
Poverty has increased significantly in rural Maine communities including Hancock County from 2011-16 with the percentage of Maine children living in deep poverty – less than $800/month for a family of 3 – has increased at a rate 8 times greater than the national average (MCEP)
Everyone has a role to play and a gift to give to their neighbors – it might be a ride to an appointment, or a cooked dinner …
Each contribution, no matter how large or small, financial or personal, makes the day brighter and let’s people know that they matter and gives them hope.

Guests by name and affiliation:
Bob Holmburg, MD retired – developer and president of Community Compass
Linda Shephard, Community Compass DIS Navigator
Tammie Cox, Community Compass Outreach, Sedgewick

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