WERU News Report 12/10/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Watching the corporate media’s love fest for Nelson Mandela since his death last week, one might assume that he – and the anti-apartheid movement—always had widespread support in the US, but that of course is not the case. The University of Maine was one of the first in the country to divest from South Africa back in 1982. Today we talk with Doug Allen, Professor of Philosophy at the University, and Education Coordinator for the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine, about his memories of the anti-apartheid movement on campus, and how it gives him hope today. This is part of a new Peacetime series, focusing on hope, leading up the the Peace & Justice Center’s annual HOPE festival in the spring

A People’s Almanac 11/12/12

Producer/Host: Meaghan LaSala

This week, A People’s Almanac features the first “sit down” strike in the US, the second national Moratorium against the Vietnam war, obscenity trials for Radclyffe Hall’s classic lesbian novel The Well of Loneliness, the end of South Africa’s apartheid and an article by Lewis H Douglass condemning President McKinley for US imperialism, racial hypocrisy and the American-Philippine war.