WERU News Report 8/7/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Today we bring you part 2 of a 2-part special, with all the latest news on the escalating crisis in Fukushima.
We start with a recap of recent news:

Monday afternoon we spoke with Dean Wilkie, one of the founders of www.simplyinfo.org, a website that has become a clearinghouse of information about Fukushima, with strict standards for accuracy. The website’s associated chat room has drawn experts in related fields, who are monitoring the situation in Fukushima and attempting to keep the public informed. Long time Maine-based activist Nancy Allen is among the participants. Dean Wilkie has three decades of experience in the nuclear field, working at a Department of Energy test reactor in Idaho, in reactor operations, management, construction and plant engineering. Today we pick up where we left off yesterday:

Another member of the simplyinfo collective is Nancy Foust, the research team leader. She talked about how the project got started, and how they work to verify the validity of the information offered on their website:

WERU News Report 8/6/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

On this anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima, another nuclear crisis is escalating in Japan, this time at Fukushima. Today we bring you part 1 of a 2-part special, with all the latest news on the crisis.

Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear expert, and former high-level nuclear industry executive, now with Fairewinds Energy Education, described several areas of serious concern at Fukushima in the recent film Forty Good Years and One Bad Day (excerpt aired with permission) FMI: http://fairewinds.org

Long-time Maine activist Nancy Allen has joined with others in a group that is compiling, verifying and distributing information at www.simplyinfo.org Her concern about the current crisis can be traced back through the years to her childhood, and Hiroshima:

Monday afternoon we spoke with Dean Wilkie, one of the founders of simplyinfo.org. He has three decades of experience in the nuclear field through his work at a Department of Energy test reactor in Idaho, working in reactor operations, management, construction and plant engineering

WERU Community SoapBox 5/22/12

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Open mic style call in show

Key Discussion Points: LPG tank, Searport, emergency management, East-West Highway, upcoming events, hope vs. despair, corporate power, solutions, getting along with neighbors, NATO, the 99%, fear, love, Fukushima, chemtrails, encouraging more women to call in