WERU News Report 11/20/12

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: Carolyn Coe (and edited by Amy Browne)

Barbara Lubin of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, has been working for decades to bring attention to the plight of children in the Middle East spoke in Maine recently before heading back to Gaza with humanitarian aid. Today, in the first of a 2-part special, we’ll hear what she had to say. (FMI: www.mecaforpeace.org) But first we talk with investigative journalists from Naomi Schalit and John Christie of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, about their latest story, just released today, on Representative John Martin’s finances. (FMI: www.pinetreewatchdog.org)

Weekend Voices 3/07/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Susan Dickson-Smith, Trisha Terwilliger, Anneli Sundqvist
Music Contributors: Andy Jordan, Joel Mann

Segment 1: Susan Dickson-Smith brings us a report on grassroots efforts to save the Obstetrics Department at Blue Hill hospital. FMI: http://www.savebluehillob.blogspot.com/

Segment 2: Trisha Terwilliger interviews Ziad Abbas, a Palestinian refugee and journalist from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank who will be on a speaking tour in Maine this month. FMI and dates: Ibdaa Cultural Center, www.ibdaa194.org and Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA), www.mecaforpeace.org

Segment 3: More of Deer Isle Hostel manager Anneli Sundqvist’s audio journal reports from her 2007 overland journey between the middle east and her childhood homeland of Sweden