Democracy Forum 3/18/16

Host: Ann Luther, League of Women Voters of Maine    
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Participatory Democracy

Program Topic: Whose Democracy Is It? Wealth and Income Inequality, Money in Politics

Key Discussion Points:
a) The great American experiment in democracy was founded on the ideal of a sovereign people —
government responsive to the will of the people. Does American democracy still serve that ideal?
b) Are policy outcomes today more responsive to wealthy donors than to the majority voters?
c) Is the new populism evident in the current presidential primaries fed by voter frustration with government? Is
money in politics somehow responsible for that frustration?
d) If it’s not practical or even wise to think of eliminating income and power disparities, do we even have a
e) What are some practical solutions?

Mark Schmitt, Director of the Political Reform Program at New America

Tony Corrado, Professor of Government at Colby College

WERU News Report 4/8/14

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Segment 1: Nurses, social workers and economic justice activists observed the anniversary of the murder of Martin Luther King Friday, by calling for the passage of what they call a “Robin Hood tax”. They say they are carrying on King’s legacy of working to end poverty, by supporting federal legislation that would tax wealthy stock traders. A 5% tax would be levied on stock trades, a .1% tax on bonds, and a .005% on derivative speculation. Supporters say the tax would generate $350 billion dollars per year, which would be directed toward guaranteed healthcare for all, job training and living wages, taking action on climate change, ending global HIV & AIDS, sustainable manufacturing and infrastructure, quality public education , housing, child care and mass transit.
Wearing Robin Hood hats and carrying signs saying “Take It Back, Tax Wall Street” and “Heal America, Tax Wall Street”, a group of about 20 people gathered outside the Federal Building in Bangor:

Segment 2: Last week we told you about a traveling show that’s honoring the famous campaign finance reform activist, Granny D. At the showing in Blue Hill on Sunday, Senate candidate Shenna Bellows made an appearance and gave her take on money in politics: Also saying a few words at the Granny D event Sunday was WERU regular Phil Caper of Maine AllCare:

WERU News Report 4/2/14

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Today we’re checking in with Rob Shetterly, the award-winning artist behind the “Americans Who Tell the Truth” portrait series. He has news about an event coming up in Blue Hill—one that’s taking on special significance given a supreme court ruling today on money in politics– and he’ll give us an update on what else he’s been working on since we last checked in with him

WERU Community SoapBox 5/15/12

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Matt Murphy

Key Discussion Points: Upcoming community events, money in politics, Citizens United, Move to Amend, corporate personhood, E/W Highway, Old Town Dump, LPG, public safety, “Gasland” film, mining in Maine

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a

Call In Program: Yes

WERU Community SoapBox 4/19/12

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann

Key Discussion Points:
Fascism, corporate personhood, Maine mining legislation, HOPE Festival, campaign fundraisers, money in politics, 2 party system, 9/11 truth, spirituality of water, diversity of callers, Earth Day, pollution, Juniper Ridge landfill

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a

Call In Program: yes