Weekend Voices 2/06/10

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: John Greenman, Carolyn Coe, Darwin Davidson

Segment 1: A coalition of groups held a press conference in Old Town last week, calling for tighter restrictions on solid waste disposal in Maine, and improved public access to information about the system.    WERU’s John Greenman was there, and he brings us this report.
Segment 2: Carolyn Coe interviews Kassem, an Iraqi living in the U.S.
Segment 3:Darwin Davidson is one of the hosts of Bronzewound, a bluegrass show that airs every Thursday night from 8 to 10pm here on WERU.    A few days ago he spoke with one of the organizers of a big, upcoming show—the Joe Val Bluegrass Festival, Gerry Katz, VP of the Boston Bluegrass Union.  FMI: www.bbu.org