Maine Arts Alive 5/26/15

Host: Michael Donahue
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: The Grand and the Downeast Maine Playwrights Festival

Gail La Rosa Thompson, Executive Director, The Grand
Teri Sargent Smith, President, Board of Directors, The Grand
Sanford Phippen, Author, Playwright, Downeast Maine Playwrights Festival

Key Discussion Points: History of the Grand, the Grand today and tomorrow, the Downeast Maine Playwright Festival, the work of Sanford Phippen

Maine Arts Alive 10/23/12

Host: Michael Donahue
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Arts
Program Topic: Past, Present and Future of The Grand
a) How did The Grand come about?
b) What role does The Grand play in the greater Ellsworth community?
c) What are the plans for the future for The Grand?
A) Zoe Alexis Scott, Executive Director, The Grand, Ellsworth, Maine
B) Charles Alexander, Board President, The Grand, Ellsworth, Maine

Call-In Program: yes

Ism Prism 10/2/12

Host: Valentine King
Engineer: Joel Mann

Program Topic: 2 Annual Queer film Festival@ the Grand
a) Why is a queer festival needed
b) What has been the response of the local business community
c)What can the hetero community learn from attending

A)Kate Kominski Filmaker
B)Robin Jones Event Programmer
C )Charlie Alexander Grands Board President

Call In Program: Yes

Voices 11/9/10

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Matt Murphy & Meaghan LaSala

Segment 1: Robin Jones, Film Coordinator for The Grand in Ellsworth, talks with Matt Murphy about new and upcoming films, including a “Hollywood Rebel” film series and a number of holiday family films. FMI:

Segment 2: Protest of the Rollins Wind Project in Lincoln
Who opposes industrial wind projects in Maine? What are some of the concerns of those who oppose large scale wind projects? What is the current status of the 40 turbine Rollins wind project in Lincoln?

Voices 6/02/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributor: Matt Murphy
Segment 1: Natural Resources Council of Maine & Maine Audubon’s press conference this morning in Bangor, where the Land Use Regulatory Commission was meeting for final deliberations on Plum Creek’s proposal for the largest development in the state’s history. Both groups have serious concerns about the proposal. FMI:
Segment 2: An interview with Bonny Myers, director of a production of “Nickel and Dimed” that will be held at the Grand in Ellsworth this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday. FMI:

Weekend Voices 5/16/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne.
Segment 1: Affordable housing for farmers and fishers in Washington County, Maine. Produced by Meredith DeFrancesco. FMI: www.
Segment 2: An interview with internationally renowned author and activist Starhawk who will be doing an “Earth Activist Training” here in Maine this summer. Produced by Andree Bella. FMI:
Segment 3: “Creature Feature” Art Show to benefit The Grand in Ellsworth, Maine. Produced by Matt Murphy. FMI:
Segment 4: A local dance company’s production of “Alice in Wonderland (Camden Opera House, May 30th & 31st). Produced by Magnus Johnstone. FMI:

**REMINDER** Starting on 5/23/09 Weekend Voices will be moving to 10a.m. on Saturday mornings.