Voices 4/22/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Debbie Wildey

Topic: Earth Day Everyday (Part One): Two contrasting visions of Earth’s future and our potential role in these visions. An analysis and closer look at environmental solutions that are commonly espoused and why others are not.

What are ecological footprints and where can we find tools to measure our personal environmental impact?
How do we analyze green-tech solutions that are being marketed to us?
What is the difference between measuring a product’s carbon emissions vs. its complete life-cycle assessment?
What is the role of environmental offsets?
How can our diets impact the global environment and how can we work to understand their affects on the sustainability, biodiversity, and natural areas of Maine?

GUEST: Engineer and Volunteer Jim Merkel. He was recently Sustainability Coordinator at Dartmouth College and is the founder of the Global Living Project and author of Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth and the Spanish version Simplicidad Radical.

The Global Living Project:  www.radicalsimplicity.org
Ecological Footprint Quiz :  www.myfootprint.org
ADA Vegetarian Position Paper and Food Guide: www.eatright.org/cps/rde/xchg/ada/hs.xsl/advocacy_933_ENU_HTML.htm

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