Family Corner 5/28/14

Producer/Host: Sue Mackey Andrews
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Opiate and Other Addictions in Maine and their Effects upon Families, Children and Communities

Program Topic: Drug Affected Babies and Recovering Families – How Communities and Compassion Makes a Difference

Key Discussion Points:
a) Addition is not a choice, not a decision
b) No parent wants to harm their child
c) Communities can make a huge difference in reducing the blame, shame and in promoting recovery and wellness

A) Mark Brown, MD – EMMC
B) Marjorie Withers, LCPC, Community Caring Collaborative

Talk of the Towns 7/11/08

Producer/Host: Ron Beard,  University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Interview with Roxana Robinson, Author of “Cost” (Farrar, Straw and Giroux,  2008), about the affects of addition on families

How does addition affect family members?  What are some resources for dealing with addictions?  What are some suggestions Ms. Robinson can offer for other writers?