Writers Forum 4/12/12

Host: Ellie O’Leary
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Writing

Program Topic: the writing life

Key Discussion Points:
a)Off the Coast magazine
b)Unity College
c)assembling an issue of a literary magazine
d)Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, www.MaineWriters.org

A) Michele Leavitt, instructor at Unity College, mleavitt@unity.edu
B) Zach Wigam, Unity College, student
C) Josiah Coyle, Unity College, student

Call In Program: No
Political Broadcast: No

Talk of the Towns 7/11/08

Producer/Host: Ron Beard,  University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Interview with Roxana Robinson, Author of “Cost” (Farrar, Straw and Giroux,  2008), about the affects of addition on families

How does addition affect family members?  What are some resources for dealing with addictions?  What are some suggestions Ms. Robinson can offer for other writers?

FMI: http://www.roxanarobinson.com/